There are a few basic directions, methods to overcome the problems with potency, in detail we describe the most effective of them.

Problems with male power, can occur at any age and this is due to the unpleasant phenomenon with a variety of negative factors. It's not just old age, as the majority thinks, the causes of erectile dysfunction (ED) a plethora of, from stress and ending with physical injuries. How do we know about prevention of impotence, men think very rarely, often "threatened" disease. Fortunately, in most cases, the situation is amendable in a short time for reasonable money.
How to increase strength and achieve real results?
It is important to understand the causes of the problems, try to eliminate the negative points and then strengthen the erection happens as if by itself. Often on android the potential negative impact on the overall state of the organism: stress, exhaustion, illness. Sometimes enough to resort to folk remedies, someone more like introduced in the market with the medication. In some cases, for solving the problems of resorting to the treatment of the patient. All the ways are good in their own way, you just need to choose the most appropriate one.
Prevention — the cheapest way to maintain sexual health for the long haul.
The life of modern man is full of events, days run for days, is not the time to devote to their own body. Negatively affect the overwork, stressful situations, poor food. Many, unfortunately, addicted to bad habits.
Thinking "how to increase potency?", most of the men completely thinking about prevention! Over the solution to the problem of start working when they have already appeared. However, you must remember – if the potency has already started to decline, it means that health for a long time was under attack. The more time developed the disease, the harder it is to win it. What you need to do, to avoid the appearance of clutter?
First of all it is necessary to carefully monitor the general condition of the body. Avoid excessive exertion, not work on yourself an excessive amount of a difficult work, not to persist for a long time at the computer. The electromagnetic field is a wrong act on the body, causing oppression of male potency. It is static, inactive position for a long time is also harmful. Physical inactivity — typical, the diagnosis of modern man, and especially in large cities.
Return male power it is possible to easily and relatively quickly: the key to success in the war of erection – refusal of bad habits. Enough quit to devote time to cigarettes, to eliminate the use of alcohol, or to reduce it to a minimum, to make sure your own experience – it works. It turns out that the path is much shorter than you can imagine!
When the condition is not too heavy, it is necessary to limit the presence in food, alcohol, put on 100% out of them is not necessary, and here all the spaces yet, it is better to remove completely from your life. Just nicotine – the main enemy of testosterone – a hormone, which is the real golden key to a sustainable erection. Of course, alcohol also reduces the production of this precious hormone.
It is important to closely monitor its own weight: its sharp fluctuations, the extra pounds very bad effect on the health, which also has an impact on the sexual system. Abdominal is not able to produce testosterone when your stomach is downloaded the storage of fat. The more thanks overweight increases the content of cholesterol, blood vessels are clogged, and the blood too slowly surging into the penis by. So, being overweight poses a serious danger for the male erection. A person must give up the fatty, high-calorie food to create a balanced menu.
There are observation, due to which he became known: sometimes it is the choice of a partner, especially if it's legitimate wives, the negative impact on self-esteem and the real condition of men in the sexual sphere. Some women require the representatives of the strong half of mankind grand victories and a reliable earnings. In consequence, the man, trying to prove their abilities, loses health, fatigue. Sure, eventually you suffer from and sexual life. Troubled over how to get back the health to the previous level, in order not to lose the love of a woman, not every man can find out the real cause of the problem. Over the fact worth thinking about and analyze the relationship with his "second half".

In cases where difficulties for a long period of time prevents a fulfilling sex life, and neurosis is already significantly weakened mental state, you can do auto-training, or turn to a specialist-psychologist. Here all methods are good, it is necessary to experience it in action, defines the best.
This is the reason, prevention, detection and removal of the real causes of erectile dysfunction, opening the way to liberation from the problem.
Simple tricks – special meal, steam bath, contrast baths and the wonders of ice
Sometimes it's the simplest way the surest.
Very favorably to android the potential to affect tourism in bath: visit for 10-15 minutes, 2-3 times steam, can significantly increase blood circulation, improve the body, and so recover the lost opportunities. Go to the sauna it is best to twice per week, and take a birch broom.
Useful to sit at bedtime contrast baths. Hot and cold water and fill a couple of containers, in each of them is enough to be one minute, but the situation is changing approximately 8-10 times. Temperature difference it is possible to gradually increase, so as unnecessarily sharp difference is detrimental, especially when the procedure unusual.
The unexpectedly strong medicinal properties has led. Wrapped in a 10-layer gauze finely pinned ice – the perfect remedy to increase potency. For this they charge 500 grams of ice to the volume and alternately attach it to different parts of the body, each one minute. The procedure is as follows: first, pressed to the base of the skull, then put in the heart, and then into the scrotum.
It is also important to stick to proper nutrition, to inject vitamins, eat fresh vegetables and fruits. Excellent support the sexual sphere the following products, if it is to include in regular diet:
- the yolks of chicken eggs;
- raw garlic;
- walnuts;
- legumes;
- stewed in milk with carrots;
- honey and chocolate.
Exercises to lift droopy
Exercise for health is not exactly hurt.
The overall tone of the organism, the activity will help to raise special exercises. For starters, you need to get used to daily charging, walks, and the best – run in the fresh air, a reasonable load on the body. Then you need to go in pursuit of.
How are men to correct things in the bedroom with the help of exercise? It is known to several of the most effective exercises, which is completely unpretentious.
It should be comfortable to sit down on the mat. Then bend each leg so that it was comfortable. The thumb and the index finger need to capture the achilles tendon, within a minute of rubbing and squeeze him sticking in the longitudinal direction.
Pressure recommended to intensify when the move goes down. Exercise repeat with the other leg. After the procedure, to be in the area of the tendon tweaks, about half a minute. Simple manipulations can significantly stimulate sexual function, while positively affecting the function of the bladder and kidneys.

Sitting on a rug in a comfortable position, it is necessary to put on each other palms and massage the left leg with circular movements. It starts with massage of the front part of the left tibia, moving the stop from the middle of the calf muscle. Then also massage the right tibia. Enough to hold the exercise for each leg for one minute, to relax the prostate.
Getting started on the third exercise, you must lie down on your stomach, fold under the chin in the hands, and dilute elbows. Then sharply breathe in, bend the right leg and try to reach the knee to right elbow.
To the original position returns, long exhale. So in the small pelvis blood begins to actively circulate, normalize the function of the ureters and bladder.
Increase the potency of natural remedies
Honey and other gifts of nature you save, restore and strengthen the male power.
A lot of great resources giving nature alone – she knows what a person needs for health. To help men come to the plant. This is a wonderful natural healers, without synthetics and chemicals. They have a beneficial effect on the body, it is ideal to mount in any diet.
- Excellent effect gives a cocktail of honey with carrot juice, it is recommended to drink three times during the day, a quarter a cup. Drunk 2 times a day 20 drops garlic tincture will help you to eliminate problems with erection, the medicine purchased in pharmacies.
- One month is good pay the treatment of walnuts with honey, mixed in equal proportions. Accept the product for 20 minutes after a meal, twice a day for 2 teaspoons. Best washed down with a mixture of milk, then its effect will intensify.
- It is useful to also include in your diet cabbage juice is known, that significantly improves erection.
- Excellent properties have such a tincture should be taken flowering tops of basil, crushing the leaves, leaves of walnuts (2 tablespoons) and roots of horseradish (8 tablespoons). Furthermore, it is necessary to boil the red wine, pour a mixture of one liter drink and, well, insist, first wrapped in cloth. Then drink to filter it, and take it before meals, 3 times during the day, after 100 ml.
- Medicinal lungwort well to add to the salad, soup, and also drink an infusion: for it is necessary to pour a glass of boiling water 10 g of powdered dry lungwort, but about an hour later, drain. Take the medicine 3 times during the day, after one century spoon. Well help branches of a young maple, asparagus, pumpkin seeds and pine nuts.
Vacuum, injection, prolactin, and surgery to increase the potency
Thanks to the development of medicine, virtually all cases of impotence are treatable.
There are ways to treat erectile dysfunction in a hospital environment) and with the help of special procedures. Below you see the main methods of treatment, which medicine currently has:
- Vacuum correction, which is necessary to do immediately before intercourse, stimulates the blood circulation. Unfortunately, the procedure has a very short-term effect, and also observed adverse effects.
- The injection will allow you to achieve good results after the introduction of the penis of the drug. The action is not dependent on arousal, erection occurs only because of medications.
- Determine what kind of hormonal therapy should be performed by doctors to determine the content of hormones. The worst as sex affects a lack of prolactin. It produces a front share of the pituitary gland. If you have problems, pathology of the pituitary gland need to be removed – then the prolactin again comes to the rescue, the erection will recover.
- It is an extreme tool – is a surgical procedure. To his resort in the most severe cases, when all other methods have not produced results. Operate vessels in the penis, to carry out the prosthetics of the phallus of the god. This method is the most cardinal.

Now you know everything you need to return or improve the potency, we're told about all the effective methods of treatment of impotence, it remains only to choose their own and move confidently to your destination!